
Showing posts from April, 2024

2nd audio snippet- Collection FMP

  2nd audio snippet I am still waiting for people to send their voice recording over to get some more of the track done. I need to be more patient even though it is hard as it is holding me up. I will move on with the perspex and frame whilst I am waiting. The audios that I now have include my children, with the 3 others and myself from the 1st snippet.  Below is the 2nd snippet of the track. 2nd audio snippet Like the 1st snippet, we repeated the audios we had throughout the track to bulk it up and fill up the pauses. The guidance from Taj to make sure the voices fell in the right tempo was really helpful, in stopping the voices from clashing against one another and keeping in rhythm as when I created my first demo I found that clashing was happening. I wanted to make the voices echo to give it a dramatic and eerie feel, when doing research on hearing thoughts, the echoing of voices is what is mainly being used. The effects I put on the voices to create a dramatic sound.

Exploring with Perspex - Collection FMP

Testing font and perspex Today is a testing day, trialing cutting out the letters versus engraving the letters using the laser cutter. I will also test the shapes I will make by warping the perspex in the oven. Whilst I was in the 3D workshop I got some scrap pieces of perspex to test on. I cut about 15 rectangles, roughly 30cm x 10cm. Trialed cutting out letters Trialed engraving the letters I trialled both cutting out the letters and engraving. I think that cutting the letters was so much more effective than engraving. The only issue I had was that I lost the centre parts from some of the letters. For example the middle parts of the 'o' 'e' and 'a'. I need to think about using a stencil font for laser cutting, this way the whole letter will remain intact. I really like the idea of using lighting for my instaltion piece I hung my clear plaques in the the store cupboard as its light tight

Immersive art research - Collection FMP

Research Inspiration from  immersive art research I really like the immersive experience that some artists do like this  digital art museum in Japan.   TeamLab_Borderless   is one of Tokyo's most famous immersive experiences . I could just stay in this immersive experience forever. It is fully mesmerising just looking at it on a screen, let alone being there in the person. It's like an out of body experience and a sense of escape. I'm really interested in creating an installation so the viewers can have a similar out of body experience listening to the spoken words and looking at the hanging pieces I am creating. I previously mentioned before that the ambient music that goes alongside the audio piece reminds me of light and water. I'm going to test out hanging clear plaques from clear fishing wire and projecting light onto them. I like the idea of  hanging lanterns  instead of clear perspex I also like this image as it looks like an abundance of floating la...

Research on Audio - Collection FMP

Research   The clip below is of the main character Millman. Hearing other's thoughts Peaceful Warrior   2006 drama film directed by Victor Salva  and written by Kevin Bernhardt based on the 1980 novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. A boy imagines he can hear other people thoughts and reflects of the disparity between the thoughts and the images the people portray. I like the echoing of the voices. There are some voices that are in the distant background that I can hear. I liked the way the voices layered over one another and gradually built up.

Research on Diversity of voices- Collection FMP

Research on Diversity of voices   This link reinforces the message I want to give which we are all interesting. Having the ability to listen to a diverse voice When selecting the people who I want to create the audio pieces, I wanted to have a diversity of voices. Initially, there was no political reason behind this choice, other than to allow the listener to imagine the faces of those they're listening to. Since this initial thought, I have done some research into a diverse voice and it reminded me of the biases and prejudices that happen when listening to a voice that's not so familiar to you. One of the voices in particular that will be a part of my audio track will be my granddad William who is Liberian. He was married to my white grandmother, and even though she passed away many years ago, he's still very much a part of my family. I'm proud to be having his strong African voice on the audio I want to create.

First Demo snippet of audio- Collection FMP

First Demo Snippet I need help creating the audio track to get the effect I want. Luckily, a good friend can help me assemble all the audio pieces when I get them. We created our 1st snippet demo, combining the audio of Taja, Tico and myself to see how it would sound. We used my friend's music software to create it. It's very similar to the music software BandLab that I used. In future I would feel more confident to create the audio track myself as it was difficult now that I have had some time to learn the software. We listened to several ambient music sounds for the background and the one we chose after listening to it on repeat felt relaxing and in beat with your heart. Click the link below to hear the demo. 1st Demo Snippet This is a great starting point. I really like the ambient music in the background. When I listened I got some ideas of what I wanted to do visually. I want to go down the path of creating an instillation. When listening to the ambient music with the voic...

Organisation- collection FMP

 Organisation I have an immense amount of thoughts from the journals to distribute to the 27 people that I have selected to create an audio. To help me organise the thoughts, I created a spreadsheet. Creating a spreadsheet really helped me keep organised, making sure that I wasn't using duplicate thoughts. Once I received the audio from somebody, I highlighted their name in blue. At this early stage, I only had 5 that were highlighted blue, The Spreadsheet photo was entered later that's why most of them are blue.

Voices I choose to make the audio track- Collection FMP

Diversity of voices With those I've picked to create an audio, I believe, I have a great variety of voices. I've included children, men and women both old and young. I even have a variety of accents and languages including French, Croatian, Cantonese, Patois and Kashmiri. I can't wait to hear how the audios sound when they come together. I didn't enjoy waiting for those to finish their journal and then chasing up others who kept forgetting to send them to me. The thought of waiting for those to complete the next stage gives me anxiety. I am truly thankful to those who are taking the time out to help me with my project. I need to make sure I am organised as I will be working with 27 people. I am going to create a list with the thoughts they will be saying. 1)Taja 2)Mum 3)Stepdad 4)Tianna 5)Elicia 6)Jodie 7)Kelly 8)Alwyn 9)Terrence 10)Mel 11)Uncle Will 12)Grandma 13)Daughter Eva 14)Terrence's daughter Anaiya 15)Bro-in-law Tico 16)Ishmael 17)Zarina 18)Tutor Tom 19)Tuto...

Making an Audio- Collections FMP

Making an Audio For the next stage of making an audio, I really want to have variety and diversity with the voices I choose. But having this variety will make it hard for me to see everyone in person to record their voices in a proper recording studio. To make things easier for the people I have chosen and to have continuity with all the voices, I have thought of ways they can record their audio piece at home to avoid their voice echoing and background noises like the hum of a fridge or outside noise being picked up during their recording. I did a test run where I made a pillow fort. I popped my phone inside and recorded my voice and then I took my phone out of my DIY booth and repeated the process to test the sound quality. Test DIY booth You can definitely hear the difference in the quality. I think this will work much better if I have continuity in all the recordings.