Exploring with Perspex - Collection FMP

Testing font and perspex

Today is a testing day, trialing cutting out the letters versus engraving the letters using the laser cutter. I will also test the shapes I will make by warping the perspex in the oven. Whilst I was in the 3D workshop I got some scrap pieces of perspex to test on. I cut about 15 rectangles, roughly 30cm x 10cm.

Trialed cutting out letters

Trialed engraving the letters

I trialled both cutting out the letters and engraving. I think that cutting the letters was so much more effective than engraving. The only issue I had was that I lost the centre parts from some of the letters. For example the middle parts of the 'o' 'e' and 'a'. I need to think about using a stencil font for laser cutting, this way the whole letter will remain intact.

I really like the idea of using lighting for my instaltion piece
I hung my clear plaques in the the store cupboard as its light tight


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