First Demo snippet of audio- Collection FMP

First Demo Snippet

I need help creating the audio track to get the effect I want. Luckily, a good friend can help me assemble all the audio pieces when I get them. We created our 1st snippet demo, combining the audio of Taja, Tico and myself to see how it would sound. We used my friend's music software to create it. It's very similar to the music software BandLab that I used. In future I would feel more confident to create the audio track myself as it was difficult now that I have had some time to learn the software.

We listened to several ambient music sounds for the background and the one we chose after listening to it on repeat felt relaxing and in beat with your heart.

Click the link below to hear the demo.

This is a great starting point. I really like the ambient music in the background. When I listened I got some ideas of what I wanted to do visually. I want to go down the path of creating an instillation. When listening to the ambient music with the voices, I was thinking about water and light. I like the way the voices flow from one voice to another. 

It would be great if the thoughts could build into an outburst of shouting. For example, I have some written thoughts that are angry and sad. I could have some intense sounds where someone is shouting at some point within the track.

I like the idea of having speakers in a dark space with a mood lighting effect projected on a wall.


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