2nd audio snippet- Collection FMP

 2nd audio snippet

I am still waiting for people to send their voice recording over to get some more of the track done. I need to be more patient even though it is hard as it is holding me up. I will move on with the perspex and frame whilst I am waiting. The audios that I now have include my children, with the 3 others and myself from the 1st snippet. 

Below is the 2nd snippet of the track.

2nd audio snippet

Like the 1st snippet, we repeated the audios we had throughout the track to bulk it up and fill up the pauses. The guidance from Taj to make sure the voices fell in the right tempo was really helpful, in stopping the voices from clashing against one another and keeping in rhythm as when I created my first demo I found that clashing was happening. I wanted to make the voices echo to give it a dramatic and eerie feel, when doing research on hearing thoughts, the echoing of voices is what is mainly being used.

The effects I put on the voices to create a dramatic sound.


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