Searching for overgrown doors and gates-Nottingham Castle brief

Visiting Wollaton Park and other walking locations

Today I took my kids on a walk. We started at the Wollaton Park where I didn't find much over grown doors and gates because of the current season we're in. I knew this would be the case but I was still hoping to find some overgrown parts with lots of old vines and ivy leaves. I did find a gate all on its own which was a little creepy. My kids seemed to like it. 

A gate to nowhere and everywhere.


I was so surprised by how neat many people kept their back gates and hedges during the Winter months.








Below are some unmaintained gates within Wollaton park that I found.

I'm still a bit unsure of what direction I want to take. I really love the idea of looking at some overgrown areas, if only we were in the Summer months, it would be a lot easier to find overgrown green areas. I do like the idea of keeping things realistic and looking into terraced houses' alleyways with their back garden gates. In my experience, these tend to be very unkept and full of nettles and bramble bushes. I am still torn with my other idea of making a magical land behind the overgrown gate. This was the main reason I was drawn to this painting in the first place. The mystery of what is behind the door.

I want to find some derelict areas in Nottingham, like abandoned properties. I have been looking out for these abandoned houses as I know I have seen some but now I want them I can't seem to remember where I've seen them.


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