Visit to Nottingham castle- Castle brief

1st visit to the castle for the new brief

Below is an audio review of some paintings I favoured and why at the Nottingham Castle gallery.

On the left is the Harold Knight 'The Girl in the white dress' that I responded to last year. I wanted to show how similar it is to the Janine Forbes-Robertson 'Portrait of Cecilia' 1912 painting on the right that drew me in this year. The composition, the tone and the expression are all so similar.

Harold Knight 'Girl in a White Dress'               

                                                                            Janine Forbes-Robertson 'Portrait of Cecilia' 1912

Green Landscape with Gate, c.1943 Oil on canvas- Victor Pasmore (1908-98)

Need to get the info about this painting the flower plays a big thing as it shows femininity


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