Second interview about class and race- Counterculture brief

Nigel interview

 Below are the questions I asked Nigel.

  • How have you found your journey so far with getting the planning permission from the council? 
  • What do you classify yourself as?
  • Do you believe your class and race have held you back in society with opportunities that may arise?
Here is the Link to view the interview I had with Nigel.

The transcript is below.


00:00:03 Speaker 1

Good evening, carmen.

00:00:05 Speaker 1

Just replying to your question.

00:00:12 Speaker 1

From the experience I've had on the project that was started.

00:00:20 Speaker 1

Over three years ago.

00:00:24 Speaker 1

I do feel.

00:00:27 Speaker 1

I was overlooked a lot.

00:00:32 Speaker 1

And there was times when I did.

00:00:35 Speaker 1


00:00:37 Speaker 1

Meet them face to face. There was astonishment in the face.

00:00:45 Speaker 1

No handshakes.

00:00:48 Speaker 1

It's a very, very cold approach.

00:00:53 Speaker 1


00:00:56 Speaker 1

I do believe if I was White.

00:01:00 Speaker 1

That this would've been dealt with very, very swiftly or the process would have been smooth or smoother.

00:01:12 Speaker 1

I was even told that.

00:01:15 Speaker 1

By a senior that, having agreed that the development should be demolished.

00:01:28 Speaker 1

The process should have been.

00:01:32 Speaker 1

Very, very swift from there.

00:01:35 Speaker 1

From his experience, and he'd been there over 25 years.

00:01:43 Speaker 1


00:01:45 Speaker 1


00:01:47 Speaker 1

That told me everything. What was a hold up for when that was agreed?

00:01:56 Speaker 1

And it's not a nice it was. It hasn't been a nice experience at all going through what I've been through.

00:02:06 Speaker 1

Which made me not want to give up even more.

00:02:10 Speaker 1


00:02:13 Speaker 1

I'd done nothing wrong.

00:02:20 Speaker 1


00:02:22 Speaker 1

It has also opened doors.

00:02:25 Speaker 1

And that's what I also plan to do is open doors for others.

00:02:30 Speaker 1


00:02:32 Speaker 1

A lot of people in my shoes would have.

00:02:35 Speaker 1

Give up a long time ago.

00:02:39 Speaker 1

'Cause as much as it's very.

00:02:42 Speaker 1

Financially draining, it's very mentally draining.

00:02:46 Speaker 1

The patients levels, the levels of rejection.

00:02:54 Speaker 1

The attitude, you know, of people telling me that are people that I am paying, who are on my side are telling me you might as well pack your bags and and and give up the project.

00:03:10 Speaker 1

The Council on aren't playing ball.

00:03:16 Speaker 1

And they're not willing to go any further and telling me am IA gambler or you know using all these sort of terms.

00:03:26 Speaker 1

Which is heart breaking when you've paid a lot of money and thinking these people should be fighting for you.

00:03:37 Speaker 1

And without the fight of myself ringing and dealing with the Council direct, I don't think I'd be where.

00:03:48 Speaker 1

I don't think the project will be where it is today. You know, there's been help from.

00:03:56 Speaker 1

Others, but on the on the take from.



00:04:06 Speaker 1

Them saying it was over. I won't allow it to be over.

00:04:11 Speaker 1

Money can only go so far.

00:04:14 Speaker 1

These people don't care if you spend a million £1,000,000, they're not bothered. It's not coming from their pocket. They don't care.

00:04:24 Speaker 1

So yeah, as much as I'm, I'm grateful, grateful for the team around me.

00:04:34 Speaker 1

The experience.

00:04:37 Speaker 1

Hasn't been great and society.

00:04:42 Speaker 1

It showed me how dark society is and.

00:04:50 Speaker 1

How somebody of colour is looked at.

00:04:53 Speaker 1

Especially stepping into the middle class zone, there isn't any black developers in Nottingham that I know.

00:05:03 Speaker 1

At all.

00:05:05 Speaker 1

And in my whole time of doing this I only saw.

00:05:11 Speaker 1

In 3 1/2 years.

00:05:14 Speaker 1

Probably been a bit more than 3 1/2 years. I only saw one black face and I saw a lot of faces and she was a trainee architect at the firm I I was employing to do the drawings.

00:05:29 Speaker 1

And that tells you where we're the races as a whole in that sector.

00:05:41 Speaker 1

And it was. It was quite weird because I saw on the team saw her twice on the teams meeting and the first time she saw me, I saw.

00:05:51 Speaker 1

You know, the pupils dilate. She was. She was like, wow. And maybe I did the same.

00:06:00 Speaker 1

So yeah.

00:06:04 Speaker 1

Very, very good outcome, amazing outcome, but.

00:06:11 Speaker 1


00:06:13 Speaker 1

Overall was very draining, exceptionally draining.

00:06:21 Speaker 1

And I.

00:06:24 Speaker 1

There's another part to this.

00:06:27 Speaker 1

Because obviously the building gets built. You know, I've got to deal with contractors. They haven't seen a black owner. Maybe they have.

00:06:40 Speaker 1

But there's not many, so I've got to do with them on on on their thoughts. Do you know it gives me the feeling of do they want to build for a black man? You know? Do I do I show my face? It puts all of this into perspective.

00:06:56 Speaker 1

And it's sad really.

00:06:58 Speaker 1

It's sad, but how's your thinking? Because I just want to achieve.

00:07:05 Speaker 1

Something that is not a lot to ask for and it feels I have to play chess.

00:07:13 Speaker 1

You know with.

00:07:16 Speaker 1

A project that I shouldn't have to do that that that is your own.

00:07:25 Speaker 1

Any more questions, comments let me know.

00:07:28 Speaker 1

Thank you.


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