Artist research-Counter culture brief

Barbara Licha

I came across this sculpture piece by Polish-Australian artist, Barbara Licha that has a human figure entangled in a wire form. I really like the different textures and the range of thickness of wire. Some parts look delicate and fragile, whilst other parts look sharp and dangerous.  

Barbara Licha- Shelter Sculpture

Licha's work has evolved from painting and graphic drawing to sculpture, the sculptures above and below are created using chicken wire. Licha feels these figures didn’t need clay or plaster, as the wire lines created a three-dimensional “drawing in space.” While her work may evoke comparisons to Giacometti, Licha doesn’t see him as an influence, describing his art as emotionally sad to her own. Instead, she draws inspiration from choreographer Pina Bausch and modern dance, focusing on movement and the idea of humans "floating" through life.

Licha views her sculptures as deeply personal, responding to her emotions during their creation. Each piece is unique, reflecting her joy and affection for the process. 

I really like how the figures are at different levels. Thinking of my own ideas of the loophole system we encounter with working class through to upper class.


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