Deciding what to do my collection about- Collection FMP

 Starting Point Collections Project

I've thought about this collection project all week and what I could do. Some of my ideas after my initial ideas included Tattoos, my own kid's toys, plastic forks, flowers, light and old clothes. I thought of so many but I got instantly bored of the idea as soon as I thought of it. Then this evening I thought, why does it have to be physical? A collection can be mental thoughts too.

Express emotions through art helped me have a broader perspective on different media that I can use.

I've decided to collect people's thoughts. I've selected a load of people, friends and family to write down a collection of their thoughts every day for 2 weeks. I've asked them to be as real and transparent as possible.

It will be interesting to see if people think the same things. I have told them the thoughts could be a couple of sentences or just one word and that it's probably best to write their thoughts and feelings, first thing when they wake up in the morning and in the evenings before bed. In my opinion, this tends to be when you think the most. A morning and evening pattern might not work for some people so I have given the option to write them down when suits the person best.

Things I have told the people writing their journals are, not to hold back. If they're rude, vulnerable, or angry thoughts. There’s no wrong or right way about how to do this. 

It will be interesting to see if there will be any patterns with the males or females. I don't know where this will lead, it's my starting point.

I decided to start by asking friend's and family to complete a 2 week journal of their first thoughts from when they wake up to when they go to sleep. I chose the people who I thought would respond and be able to express their feelings.

By chance, this gave me a wide range of ages from 30's to 60's and a range of ethnic grouping.

Daily journal 

















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