Process- Collection FMP

David Bowie Cut-ups

I came across this clip of how David Bowie gathers lyrics and strings them together using this 'Cut Up' process. I like the idea of printing out the thoughts from all the different journals I am getting, cutting them up in strips and sticking them down some how. 

David Bowie cut up clip used as inspiration

I found the process of cutting almost 30 full pages very time-consuming especially after not knowing where it's going.

I enjoyed working with my classmates and staff on placing thoughts onto this large piece of card. I gave everyone the freedom to place them wherever and however they chose to.

Images of the sentences from completed journals as sorted by myself and the group of volunteers from the videos above. This process took me 4 days to complete. At this stage I was not sure of my next step and I wish I had done some research to help me be more creative with my placement.


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