People writing thoughts - Collection FMP

 Getting people to write their thoughts is a challenge

It's hard relying on people to do this part for me. I just have to be patient with the process and trust in the people I have selected. I will find something else to work on while I wait like the way my piece is going to look.

I have received some thoughts from a few people and I have found that some of them are better at writing their thoughts than others. In future I will explain my goals more clearly to any group of people that I work with making sure they understand. I will also chose a random sampling of people instead of just choosing people I know.

Below are some thoughts I have so far written by a couple of people that are great at expressing themselves-

1) We now live in a time where social media dominates various areas of our lives. This is raising the next generation which is a scary state of affairs

2) With this new law that's being proposed I need to get all of my kids driving!. Once this bill has been approved it will be a bloody nightmare for them Kmt!. Why is this woman pushing for so much drastic change?. So every kid must have to suffer because her kid lied to her?!?! But that's not mine nor anyone else's fault tho!!!

3) Anticipation and the anxiousness of pain. Is it mind over matter? Is our subconscious mind so powerful that we possess the ability to think ourselves into or out of pain? If so, how do we tap and unlock that magical part of our brain?

4) Can our imagination become our reality? You are what you think you are they say. Mind-traveling wonders exceed vacations of the highest class, and riches unmeasurable. But reality shows a very different picture. Is it trickery to make ourselves believe pain doesn't exist? Or are we naive in believing it does?


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