Further experimenting with laser collage leaves and printing  

I collaged my leaves onto newsprint using an adhesive spray. I'm really happy with how it turned out, however, I'm not looking forward to cutting around the detail of the leaves next.

This part was extremely time-consuming, considering that I'm unsure of the outcome.

I laser cut the leaf collage with the logo. I decided to split the words up as they wouldn't fit into the shape of the leaf collage. Instead of reading the words from the top down, I want it to be read from the bottom up. I like this idea as like the logo, it is from the bottom up. I had to laser cut the collage quite a few times to cut right through. I ended up having to cut a lot of the letters out by hand in the end.


I spent so much time creating this collage and I made a quick decision to flip the text around when I realised the text wouldn't fit. I should have researched this part before being hasty with the laser cutting.

I had a go at playing around with text graduating the size. I'm not sure about it though.


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