Evaluation Portrait Project

Portrait Project Evaluation

Overall, I am proud of the final pieces I created for the Gallery and the Portrait Project. I believe I've shown a variety of different processes and uses of media throughout this project. I believe I have demonstrated problem solving, questioning and reflection throughout.

I find that I always start off slow in the beginning as I struggle to think of one thing at a time and get overwhelmed with transferring my thoughts to paper. I’m glad we were given a longer period for this project to allow ideas to organically flow and develop, rather than getting stressed with how long we have left. However, I wish I had set a better time management plan towards the last third of the project to be a little more organised.

Once deciding that I wanted to go down the photography route things started to flow a lot more smoother for me. I have done photography before but never portrait which was a lot trickier than I thought it would be. YouTube helped me incredibly with understanding the settings of my camera and how to take a portrait photo.

My research helped me to level up my photographs during post production to get the professional finish I desired. I am extremely proud of the way I was able to execute this. I believe with more practice I will improve the way I take photos in the future. 


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