Dry Point Print Workshop

 Dry Point Shin Cole

Today I researched forests and Crown Shyness. I wanted to create a similar effect with my drypoint print, looking up to the sky through the treetops from a worm-eye view.

When etching my plate, I started working around the edges of the plate and made everything meet into the centre trying to create that worm's eye view effect. I made a few strokes heavier to create more depth for the ink to sit into. I also used the hatching technique to create texture in the tree trunk.

I know it turned out. I wish I could spend a little more time with etching my image onto the plate as the proportions were a little bit off. For the Shin Cole process I want to use the colours of the sun to represent the sun coming through the treetops.

Dry point is quite a long process and you needed our patience but I think it's worthwhile in the end as the effects you get can be beautiful with you take your time with it.



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