Portraits ideas

 Portrait ideas

As the sitter is anonymous in the portrait I want to play on this more by creating what the sitter could potentially be looking at that had created her expression. I thought of numerous ways I could do this, something that came to mind was when I'd seen a film that showed someone with Trapped in syndrome called 'Locked in'.

 Below were just some quick sketches that I did looking out to a rainy day with someone with the umbrella. These these weren't any finalized ideas they were just the first things that came to my mind which I didn't think were very successful.

My second idea, using photography was to take lots of portraits of random people's facial expressions. I find that black and white portrait photography shows more emotion in my opinion maybe it's the contrast between the highlights and the shadows in the creases of the face or the mood that the black and white tones have that can tell a story and add a more dramatic effect. 

My third idea was to use her eye reflection as a response. I want to paint in a fish eye lens technique which can also create a more eerie effect. In the reflection of the eye sketch I did above, I wanted to make it look like a hand was going to grab her. 
On second thought, I think the hand grab is too predictable and I've gone off this idea. I need to think of an eye reflection that could be something completely different like she could be looking into a future world, like our present day for example.


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