Evaluation Traces of Landscape

Traces of Landscape Evaluation

I'm really happy with how my ceramic pieces came about. In the beginning, it took me a long time to grasp a concept but once I was sure about what I wanted to do I was really excited to start exploring and experimenting with clay. When I had the inspiration from my motorbike trip across Europe, I originally was going to paint an abstract piece. This is where my artist research really helped me and set me on the path of ceramics.

Moving forward, I need to not doubt myself and push myself to do things that might make me a bit uncomfortable, so I don't stay in the safe zone. Even though I'm happy with what I created I still feel like I may have played it a bit safe.

Looking back, I should have held off with photographing my ceramic piece when I couldn't get the photographic studio I needed. I ended up having to use the 3D workshop to photograph my piece and this restricted me in ways that affected my final outcome. I need to try and not to be so hasty next time.

If I had another chance to photograph my Ceramic pieces, I would have done this outside on, ideally, a sunny day with clouds in the sky as this would have improved the way my photos looked by having the reflection that reflected my journey of travel.



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